Letter From The Pastors
As you know, God called Candy and I into the office of Pastor in the fall of 2011. My Dad felt led of the Lord to assign us as the new pastors of the church that he founded in 1985, Maranatha Church. Since our installation we have hit the ground running with this awesome new assignment from God.
Our first instructions from God were to Love on the People and develop a strong Children’s and Youth Ministry. We immediately got started by totally transforming a portion of our Annex Building into what we now call Super Kids Academy & Rock Solid Youth Ministry. The children and parents love it!
We minister weekly to 35-50 children and youth and are continually growing! The first summer after we opened the new children’s and youth ministry our VBS grew from 50 in attendance from past years to 180 daily and over 500 in attendance at our Saturday Fun Fest. God is so amazing!Stephen & Candy LaFlora – Pastors
The Local Church Is The Hope of The World!
God has given us a new assignment! Our church is located in the inner city of Chicago and has been regarded in the past as one of the poorest and crime infested neighborhoods in the city. God has called us to transform this Urban Desert into an Urban Oasis, bringing the Kingdom of Heaven into the earth. We are building a new 6400 square foot, state of the art, one purpose multi-function facility in the Englewood/Greater Grand Crossing inner-city community of Chicago.
Partnering with us to achieve this goal will help us to transform this urban desert into an urban oasis for the lost and to impact the lives of many families throughout our community and the city of Chicago.
We ask that you stand with us in faith that everything that God has called us to do is fully accomplished. We also ask that you prayerfully consider partnering with us to help get the job done!
Collaboratively, this project can be completed in a short amount of time. If you would like to sow into this project; please select one of the giving options below.
Giving Options
Give Online
Donate to this project using our secure online giving option – Click Here To Give Online
Give By Mail
Make your check payable to: Maranatha Church, 6841 S. State, Chicago, IL 60637.
$1400 Per Seat Pays For The Completed Project
The Paid-N-Full project provides a graphic visualization for the paying off of the building and renovations. When 500 seats are paid for at $1400 per seat, the project will be completed.
We also proclaim that the new church is “Full” with people hungry for God.
Therefore we call our church Paid-N-Full In Jesus Name!
PAID FOR: 27 | FINISHED: 5.4% |